The main aim of Accounting department is to organize the work on collecting, recording and analyzing of the results of industrial-economic and financial activities of the University.

The main aims of the sector on material values accounting are keeping records of fixed and intangible assets; accounting the maintenance and rental of fixed and intangible assets; accounting of material values

The main aims of the sector on salary and scholarship accounting are recording of the labor and salary; accounting of the scholarships; accounting money on hand and bank; accounting of costs and income of the period.

The main aim of the sector on economic planning and analysis is the organization of the planning, control and analysis of the results of financial and economic activities of the university. 


  • Chief accountant
  • Accountant
  • Material accountant
  • Accountant - cashier



Chief accountant

Telephone: +7 (727) 379 78 96, ішкі 126
Кабинет:  2


Соловьева Светлана Вячеславовна


Telephone:  +7 (727) 379 78 96, ішкі 141
Кабинет:  6




Бекмухамбетова Жазира Жармухаметовна

Material accountant

Telephone: +7 (727) 379 78 96, ішкі 141
Кабинет:  6





Кушукбаева Жұлдыз Абдижаппаровна

Accountant- cashier

Telephone: +7 (727) 379 78 96, ішкі 122
Кабинет:  7





Address:Almaty city, Kazibek bi Street, 168