Dormitory - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

At the beginning of 2010-2011 academic year, the University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career started to provide its students with a student dormitory. Students who live in dormitories feel peace, trust and freedom.

If we take into account all given opportunities and facilities, we can say with confidence that our students' dormitory is  the best in the country and they can serve as an example. We try to ensure that our students were multi-sided developed personalities, because  they are supported  not only with accommodation, but also socio-cultural and sporting events where they can take part in.

Student dormitory staff consists of experienced executives and professionals who provide a high level of various services. The hostel consists of two parts, 1st half of the male block, 2nd half is for  the female students. In each room, 4 or 6 people can live. Each room has a toilet and a bath. There is also internet and free Wi-Fi, and there is a separate Internet cafes. For sports there is a equipped lawn for soccer and rubber playgrounds for volleyball and basketball. These playgrounds and a new indoor  open-sport complex is always open to students.

                Buffet- cafeteria is always ready to serve students from 08:30 to 22:00. For students living in dormitories Uof FL&PC can have  breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the buffet you can watch the TV channels. Cleanliness in the rooms corridors and the environment of the student dormitories are carried out by employees in accordance with contract. Safety and security on campus is completely under the supervision of the security service employees of our university.


Published: 31 December, 2019
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