- University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

Chair of Kazakh language and literature and Journalistic divided from ex-chair of Tourism and Journalistic in 2014. Since 2014 academic year was named “Kazakh language and literature and Journalistics”. Candidate of philological sciences O.Zh.Oshanova manages chair of “Kazakh language and literature and Journalistics”.

The aim of chair in sphere of increasing quality of  educational activity – is to perform studying activity of  users supplying with functional standards.

The main direction of the training and education of the chair of specialty training courses and professional services in the field of education, science, culture, education, public administration and social and humanitarian action in other areas of humanitarian work, which is the training of qualified personnel.

The chair ensures leading up language specialists of Kazakh and Russian daily educational training part through 5B011700- “Kazakh language and literature”, 5B050400-“Journalistics” , 5В011100 – «Informatics», 6В02204- «Turkology» specialties. The chair  has a total of 18 teachers. Including 14 PhDs and 4 masters.

Staff of the chair always take part in areal, national and international conferences, seminars and training courses in Republic of Kazakhstan, take an active part in the work of the round table with embassies of Turkey, China, Egypt. The staff of the chair in order to constantly improve their skills through participation in national and international conferences and seminars are being developed.

The future quality of training approved by the chair of the university student management system is based on the regulations and rules.    



The teachers 5В0050117 - "Kazakh language and literature" train competent professionals in daily education. 27.07.2007 and the Republic of Kazakhstan. 389-III "Education" and the Law of 02.09.1999, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №1290 "State educational standards development, approval and on the timing of the launch of" implements the provisions of the resolution.

In Kazakh Language manages the ability of organizing regular knowledge: Phonetics of modern Kazakh language, vocabulary, word formation, morphology, syntax, Regularities of the development of language, writing, languages of the world and their classification, the dialects of the Kazakh language, the history of linguistics, its eras and movement, the study of the language abroad linguistics concepts, methods of teaching Kazakh language and etc.

In Kazakh literature receives information about feature of children's literature, feature of narrative literature, literary genres,  the history and theory of folklore, general literature of the Turkic people, the literature of the kingdom, creativity of poet-narrators, religious literature, the Kazakh literature in the early XX century, the modern Kazakh literature, etc.

5B011700 - Kazakh language and literature in the specialty 5B011700 Kazakh language and literature graduate, who graduated with a "Bachelor of Education" gets an academic degree. Graduates-specialists can work in secondary schools, high schools, colleges, gymnasiums as work as teacher of  Kazakh language and literature, higher education institutions and research institutes can work as a researcher.

Current status of the Kazakh language and literature, its relations with other sectors of education, training and methodological foundations for the further development of the concept of their future profession depending on the importance of social competence.

In training of specialty of Kazakh language and literature teachers of chair worked well.  Teachers of the department participated in the production of e-books and teaching aids.

Teachers are actively involved in the teaching of language training, as evidenced by the service of their teaching certificates.

The work carried out at the chair of education is one of the most important parts of the university: the chair  that holds advisors calendar-themed watches. Students and teachers take an active part in the university and city events.

Every year the staff of the chair of general education students in schools and colleges of the city to hold the Olympic Games.



The information plays the main role in the century of modern new technologies to everybody. Journalistic – is one only specialty, which holds the power, submitting data and information relating to every area of ​​society.Chair of “Kazakh language and literature and Journalistics” will be evidence to it.

Nowadays through the specialty of 5B050400 - “Journalistics” Kazakh and Russian daily educational training part prepares new specialists. The specialty of ‘Journalistics” training 3 years, 3,5 years, 4 and 5 years professional higher education, works with the power of state license №643 issued by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 3-rd of March in 2001. License which entitles to training issued in 30.12.2005. The infinite time AB№0026233 chapter.

Teachers’ work in the training of professional specialists in the specialty of “Journalistics” is a huge. In this specialty teach the owners of the state awards and holders of  appreciative letters in education of Republic of Kazakhstan.Particularly, Zhakyp Bauirzhan is the owner of medals «2008 жылғы ЖОО-дағы үздік оқытушы», «Сауап», «Кітап мәртебесін арттыруға қосқан үлесі үшін», «Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл»  and holder of the commendable letter of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nowadays through the specialty of “Journalistics” work seven teachers. Six of them with specifically academic degree specialists.



The history of the development of the specialty "Informatics" is inextricably linked with the history of the University of foreign languages and business career.

In 2010 was opened the specialty "INFORMATICS, which became part of the Department of "Oriental languages", and in 2013-2014 became the staff of the Department "Tourism and communication", in the same year the graduates passed the state certification to confirm the quality of the courses and showed a high level of knowledge (93,33%, which is the average score of 3.2).

In the 2014-2015 academic year, specialty "KAL" became part of the Department "Kazakh language, literature and journalism."

Currently personnel are staffed in accordance with the legislation of Kazakhstan and Rules of competitive replacement of posts of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions.

At the Department, specialty "INFORMATICS" employs 13 full-time teachers, including those with academic degrees of doctors and candidates of Sciences – 11 people, that is 86.6 %. For four years teachers protected 1 thesis, received 1 rank of associate Professor of pedagogy and 2 academic rank  associate Professor of University.

Teachers awarded the title: "For services in development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "honored figure of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan", a Gold medal "Beibitshilik Alemi", diplomas of MES RK, diplomas and letters of thanks.

Since the establishment and until the present time, the Department continually reaffirms the desire and the ability to integrate into the world educational space, when the quality of education becomes a crucial factor of competitiveness of graduates.



Published: 31 December, 2019
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