Rectorate - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career
The Rectorate is the highest governing body of the University of Foreign Languages and Professioanl Careers. Meetings are held once a month under the chairmanship of the rector. The members of the Rectorate are vice-rectors, deans of faculties and heads of departments and divisions, directors of AGTK and ICTL, heads of centers and directors of institutes.

The university administration considers various problems and makes decisions and is responsible for the administrative, economic, financial, social and medical issues of the university, the university management system, staff and other issues

List of members of the administration

  1. Sabri Khizmetli - Rector of University
  2. Houriya Yekhlef – Rector`s advisor
  3. Sarsenbaeva Gulnara Moldrakhmanovna - Vice-rector of Education
  4. Aubakirova Gulsara Malgezgdarovna - Vice-rector for Educational and Scientific Works and Vice-rector of International Matters
  5. Beissenbekova Gulnaz T. – Scientific Secretary
  6. Abdikalikov Ulan K. - Dean of the Faculty History and Religious studies
  7. Tusubaeva Zhanar Muhamadievna - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
  8. Tukibaeva Mahabbat A. - Dean of the Faculty Pedagojical Sciences
  9. Karabaeva Akpope Kasimbekovna - Director of AKTGTC
  10. Bayan Amankulova - Director of IKTL
  11. Karimova Gulim S. - Head of the Department for the Development of Strategy and Education
  12. Mataeva Zaira Toktarbekovna - Head of the reception and registration department
  13. Mauleshova Jannat H. - Head of Human Resources
  14. Nurgalieva Dametgul T. - Director of the Library
  15. Sahieva Sholpan Ermanovna - Chief Accountant
  16. Kazimirchik Galina V. - lawyer of UFLC

Published: 31 December, 2019
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