In the 2019-2020 academic year, the magistracy department trains specialists in the following educational programs in the scientific and pedagogical direction:
  • 7М01701 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages»;
  • 7М02301 - «Translation studies»;
  • 7М02201 - «History and archeology»;
  • 7М02201 - «Religion and Theology»;
  • 7М02207 - «Islam Studies»;
  • 7М04101 - «Economy»;
  • 7М11101 - «Tourism»;
  • 7М04101 - «Managment»;
  • 7М04101 - «Accounting and Auditing»;
  • 7М04110 - «Marketing».

 Master's program is developed and implemented on the basis of curricula and management structure, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders, strategies and orders of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal rules of the Council of university.
The Department of magistracy trains specialists in the following specialties in the scientific and pedagogical direction:
- 6M011900- " Foreign language: two foreign languages»;
- 6M020700-Translation studies»;
- 6M020300 - " History»;
– 6M020600 - "religious Studies»;
– 6M050600-Economy»;
- 6M090200 - "Tourism".

 A brief history of the Department graduate programs: the Dean of the Department in the 2008-2009 academic year, he was appointed Phys.N. Konyrova Akbota Churagulova.
 From 2011 to 2014 of magistracy Department was headed by candidate of pedagogic Sciences, associate Professor Raikhan Abyldaeva Esbergenova.  The Department under the guidance of a qualified teacher demonstrated our country at the international scientific-practical conference, demonstrating the achievements in the field of research at the national Olympiads.
 Abyldaeva Raikhan Esbergenova in 2014 received the title of "Best teacher of the University RK", assigned to the MES.
Prior to the 2014-2015 academic year, she has prepared qualified professionals in the specialty 6M020700 – "Translation" and 6M020300 – History,which has contributed to the development of science and economy of the country.
With the 2014-2015 school year master course Department was headed by Professor Abdykalykov Ulan Kadyrbekovich. This year the Department of master's degree received a license for a specialty foreign language: two foreign languages and religious studies and replenished with four specialties: 6M011900- "Foreign language:two foreign languages", 6M020700- "Translation studies", 6M020300 - "History" and 6M020600 - "religious Studies". Thanks to the development of worldwide innovative methodologies by qualified personnel and experienced scientists, the development of modern technologies and technologies, the University of foreign languages and business career has become a leader in the quality of education in higher educational institutions of the country due to the competitiveness of our country and the international labor market.
 In the 2015-2016 academic year, the graduate Department was headed by Ph. D. associate Professor Beisenbekova Gulnaz Nurlybaevna. As a qualified specialist, she contributed to the scientific development of the Department of graduate studies. Having established contacts with foreign countries, allowed undergraduates to undergo scientific research practices in universities and research institutes of the Republic of Turkey, the Kyrgyz Republic, the people's Republic of China.

For example, undergraduates of all specialties in accordance with paragraph 82 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 23, 2012 № 1080 "State mandatory educational standard of postgraduate education" in 2014-2015 academic year and for the implementation of individual training programs undergraduates specialties 6M011900- "Foreign language: two foreign languages", 6M020300 - "History", 6M020600 - "religious Studies", 6M020700- "Translation studies "took place at the universities of the Turkish Republic, such as" Istanbul may 29"," Mehmet Akif Ersoy "and in the Kyrgyz Republic" international Kyrgyz-Turkish University Manas"," Osh University","Eastern University of Kashgar."

 Having signed contracts with 67 universities of the Republic of Turkey, 7 universities of the people's Republic of China and 72 universities from European countries, it has become a tradition for UIYADK to exchange students and teachers within the framework of the academic mobility program.
 In the 2016-2017 academic year, the graduate Department was headed by K. p. H., associate Professor Aubakirova, Gulsara Malgazdarova. A qualified specialist, who worked a lot in the interests of the University, showed good results. In this academic year, the Department of master's degree allowed to expand the sphere of education by obtaining state licenses for the specialty 6M050600 - "Economy" and 6M090200 - "Tourism". The teaching staff of the faculty was supplemented by foreign teachers volunteers and qualified scientists for quality education.  90% of our graduates work in universities and government offices.

 In the 2017-2018 academic year, the head of Department of a magistracy appointed PhD Kuanyshbayev Yerzhan Autovici. As a specialist who got higher education in the Republic of Turkey, he made every effort to develop the University.
 The University of foreign languages and business career trains specialists who have passed professional training in the above specialties.

  The Graduates of our University  they work in secondary and higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, administrative departments, internal and external security agencies, spiritual leadership positions, foreign embassies and consulates and religious organizations.

     Candidate of Philology Kudyarova Sholpan Taubayevna is heading the magistracy since February 2018-2019. Undergraduates of the University are actively involved in international and national conferences. Participated in the international scientific-practical conference "President and the country" dedicated to the 27th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the conference dedicated to the state program of the President NA Nazarbayev "The Great Steppe". Having connections with foreign countries, the scientific work of undergraduates allows to practice internships at the universities of the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Published: 31 December, 2019
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