СМК - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

Quality Management System

          Ensuring the quality of training has now become the basis of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at improving the quality of education, the definition of criteria, standards and quality standards, raising the level of knowledge and practical skills of students, scientific and educational-methodical maintenance of process of training, improvement of material and technical , welfare and information infrastructure of the university, and improving the mechanisms of the higher education institution management tools. Many higher education institutions are seeking to solve the problem of the quality of education by meeting the requirements of international standards ISO 9001. In the basis of these requirements the basic position is put, directed to satisfaction of requirements of consumers. The quality system is based on such important principles as the documentation of all operating procedures, identification and traceability of the results of activities in the process of its implementation, management responsibility for the quality of performance, the formation of internal motivation, which makes the process of managing organizations and institutions more open and transparent. The functioning of the quality management system in the organization of higher education can largely solve the problem of ensuring the quality of training. This task is complex and multifaceted. It affects all areas of the organization's activities and concerns of each of its employees. Our university since 2009 changed over international standards, implemented and certified quality management system for compliance with ISO 9001-2015. Maintaining the quality management system in operation is carried out through improving the internal regulatory framework that consists, through systematic internal audit, as well as surveillance by the certification body. Documents: 1. Aims in the field of quality 2. Policy in the field of quality 3. Quality management system documents


Published: 31 December, 2019
Конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей ППС и сотрудников Университета иностранных языков и деловой карьеры
Құрметті Шет тілдер және іскерлік карьера университетінің түлектері
Published: 30 December, 2019
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Published: 30 December, 2019
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Published: 25 August, 2019
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