Quality Management and Strategy Department - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career
Quality Management and Strategy Department

Karimova Gulim

Head of the Quality management and strategy Department
St. Kazybek bi, 168
379-78-94 (128)

The main functions and tasks of the Department for the development of strategy and quality of education:

  • Promote modernization of education by means of perfection of educational process, integration of science and education, introduction of modern informational-educational technologies for the purpose of flexible response for social need and labour market request;

  • Pursue Policy and Aims of the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career;

  • participation in the development of internal regulatory documents of the University;

  • coordination of the activities of the University structural divisions in maintaining the quality management system, office management and quality records at the proper level;

  • preparation and correction of instructive and methodological documentation of the QMS;

  • participation and coordination of work on the preparation for inspection and recertification audits in the University units;

  • planning and carrying out of internal audit in the University units;

  • monitoring the implementation of corrective and preventive actions in the QMS;

  • consulting University staff on quality management issues;

  • organization and carrying out of rating evaluation of the faculty, educational and scientific departments and administrative and management structures;

  • carrying out of sociological research, their synthesis and analysis;

  • participation in the preparation of reporting documents on the quality of education ensuring;

  • development of working curricula for workload planning;

  • if necessary, management performs other one-time assignments from management;

  • Participation in social-political, mass-cultural actions of the University.


Published: 31 December, 2019
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