Projects of Faculties - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career
Projects of Faculties

       The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has identified five main areas of scientific research development. The scientific basis of SRWS research is aimed at the idea of ​​"Mangilik Yel". The idea of ​​"Mangilik Yel" considers fundamental and applied research in the field of education, humanities in the XXI century.
• One of the main strategies of conducting research work at the Institute of High Technologies - Implementation of fundamental and applied scientific projects with the purpose of training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff.
• Basic principles that will be followed during project implementation:
1) Integration of science and industry communication;
2) commercialization of products obtained through intellectual property and technologies

1. The issue of pedagogical sciences development and pedagogical education on the basis of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's Third Revival: Global Competitiveness". Project leader: PhD Doktor Tukibaeva. Completion date: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 7000000.
Expenditures for 2017, 2018 academic year: 4,000,000; 2017 - 1,500,000; 2018 - 2 500 000 tenge.
2. "Modern methods, technology and standardization of foreign language". Project manager: Ph.D., associate professor Aubakirova GM Completion date: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 5,700,000
2017, 2018 academic year: 3,600,000.
By 2017, 1,800,000;
 By 2018, there will be 1,800,000.
3. The problem of learning, teaching and raising the domination of the Kazakh language and literature on the basis of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "The Third Kazakhstan Modernization: Global Competitiveness". Project manager: Ph.D., associate professor Beisenbekova GT Completion date: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 5,000,000
Expenditure on 2017, 2018 academic year: 3,000,000.
1,000,000 in 2017;
2,000,000 in 2018.
4. “Problems and prospects for the development of inclusive education in children in the conditions of formation of mass forms”. Project leader: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kuratova O.A. Date of completion: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 2 500 000
The cost for the 2017-2018 academic year: 1,800,000.
900,000 by 2017, 900,000 a year in 2018.

1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Development of domestic and spiritual science in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness", ways to strengthen and modernize the cultural heritage. Project leader: Ph.D. in History, Professor Yu.K. Abdykalykov Deadline: 2017-2019. Funds allocated: 5 000 000
Charges for the 2017-2018 school year: 3,000,000,000,000 for 2017, 2,000,000 by 2018
2. "Kazakhstan's strategy to prevent terrorism and extremism in the context of the study of the philosophy and ideology of the religious crucifixion."
Project leader: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor U.K. Abdykalykov Deadline: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 5,000,000
Funds spent on the 2017-2018 school year: 3,000,000.
1,000,000 in 2017 and 2,000,000 in 2018.


1. “Integrative competence approach - training competitive professional specialists”
Project Leader: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bekkuliyeva B.M. Deadline: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 2 500 000
The cost for the 2017-2018 academic year: 1,500,000.
By the year 500,000,
1,000,000 in 2018
2. "The benefit of the national economy of Kazakhstan on the basis of trade and tourism" Silk Road ".
Project Leader: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bekkuliyeva B.M. Deadline: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 1,500,000
2017, 2018: 1 200 000, 600 000 in 2017, 600 000 in 2018.
3. Trade "Competitive Advantage" with limited liability "REFORMAN STROY"
Project Leader: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bekkuliyeva B.M. Deadline: 2017-2019.
Remaining funds: 2 500 000
2017, 2018: 1,800,000.
900,000 by 2017, 900,000 per year in 2018.
4. Financial sustainability of construction companies LLP «BYTUG KZ»
Project Leader: Candidate of Economic Sciences A. Agimbai Completion date: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 2,000,000
2017, 2018 academic year: 1,400,000. 700,000 per year in 2017, 700,000 per year in 2018.
Objects of Ethnic Culture as Factor of Tourism Development in Almaty Region
Project manager: Candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor Ivleeva NV Completion date: 2017-2019. Remaining funds: 2 500 000
Expenditure on 2017, 2018 academic year: 2,000,000.
1,000,000 in 2017, and 1,000,000 in 2018.
Travel to overseas and in Kazakhstan and CIS countries within the framework of the project
 1. Mugla Cakti Kochman University, Republic of Turkey; 2017 year
 2. Kyrgyz Republic, Manas University; 2017, 2018
 3. Kyrgyz Republic, Manas University, 2016;
 The Republic of Turkey, Kastamonu University, 2017, 2018,
 Turkish Republic, Ankara, 2017, 2018;
 University of the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul, Ankara, 2018;
 Astana, Karaganda, Taraz, etc. cities 2017, 2018
 Russian Federation, 2017
 Azerbaijan, 2018
 Uzbekistan, 2017, 2018, etc .;


Published: 31 December, 2019
Конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей ППС и сотрудников Университета иностранных языков и деловой карьеры
Құрметті Шет тілдер және іскерлік карьера университетінің түлектері
Published: 30 December, 2019
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Құрметті қашықтықтан оқитын білімгерлер!
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Published: 25 August, 2019
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