UNIVERSITY CLUBS - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career 3 large clubs.

1. Kazakh-Turkish friendship club

2. Tourism and Foreign Languages Club

3. Arts and Sports Club


The purpose of the Club of the Kazakh-Turkish friendship between Kazakhstan and Turkey educations, science, economics, spiritual and cultural ties, comprehensive analysis, the development of the relationship of communications.

 One of the main tasks of the Kazakh-Turkish friendship club such as the dynamics of development of the Kazakh-Turkish relations between the countries have general roots of our history and culture of the peoples will talk about the established long-term strategic partnership. Turkey thefirst officially recognized the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan will always remember that goal. In recent years, the political, trade-economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres of our bilateral cooperation is developing dynamically. Two brotherly countries which became the country spiritual and friendly property of cultural humanitarian branch Kazakhstan-Turkish cooperation are characterized by high intensity.


The task of foreign languages ​​and tourism club: students of university masterfully used foreign languages at the international level which meeting modern requirements of society, training of specialists, fluent in several languages. Aims:

• The development of the oratorical skills of the members of the club;

• approval of educational material;

• tour operator and travel agent services, as well as emphasizing the organization of other services for the organization of the trip;

• Planning of a way development of internal tourism, national tourism;;

• to train in improving, informative, professional sports;

• accommodation, transportation of tourists, comprehensive services provided by food, excursions and guide services - translators and travel size and purpose of the other services provided by the practical point of view; training

• to discuss global political, social and economic issues in foreign and state languages

 As a member of the club allows in-depth study of a foreign language, to develop language skills in order to overcome the language barrier encountered during various of tourist trips. During the implementation of this goal, several Debate competitions, various language competitions, trips to the tourism development area, the event will take place at the national level.


The aim of the sports and artsclub-Students in public life, a variety of cultural events, the promotion of healthy lifestyles. A healthy lifestyle, exercise is one of the main tasks of the university. The club, together with the youth, the students included in the national team of the Republic of Kazakhstan are also members of this club.    Club members have been actively involved not only the university but also in various events that take place with the country's arts and sports to win the Grand Prix. In particular, the expert "Religious Studies" Student 1-course Userbaev N.won the main prize of the Gold Medal in 2015, which took place on 28-30 March in the city of Uralsk in Kazakhstan in 2015, the national sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan championship match, which is called "grappling zhane Pankration" "arts and pankration". Userbaev Nuradil participated and won a prize in an urban national competitions in several sports "Grappling and Pankration" Club members with a variety of competitions, it promotes tourism. Members of the club in addition to various competed in addition engaged in tourism. They are studying the diverse historical and memorial museum of the country, historical monuments, make hiking in the sacred historic places.


Published: 31 December, 2019
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