Rector - University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

Dear friends and colleagues!

    The establishment of the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Professional Career of 13 years. This university is a big breakthrough in the history of 13 years, heights, and has achieved great success in the country's educational system.

      The youngest of the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Professional Career, but is one of the fastest growing universities. The first time Abylaikhan, from the University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after the opening of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Then served as the second university in 2005, rose to the status of the university.

      We want to have a happy youth. Kazakhstan's future is in the hands of young people do not know. That is, the quality of education for our students, their involvement in the life of our task. Youth neglect, abuse of the country thinks the same. For this reason, the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Professional Career following a competitive platform, in a globalized world, to give students a modern education and has worked hard to ensure all the necessary material and technical equipment. After you have created all the conditions for the education of students they can wait for the results.

      Ğalamdasqan time has to compete with all of our people and our country. Only the strongest in the tournament wins, and are unable to withstand the loss of competitiveness. Turkey, France, North Africa, Europe, Australia, and I have served thirty years in the field of education remained the volume. Academic and life experience to continue as rector of the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Professional Career.

      Working for the future happiness together with the teachers of the university students and youth to take the necessary knowledge, experience erection of creating all the conditions to be prepared for life. For the most part, "for the benefit of mankind is worship" uncustomary. I have a useful guide in life to do youth think I am very happy.


I wish you success!

With respect:

Foreign Languages ​​and Business

University Career
Rector, Professor, Dr.
Sabri Hizmetli 


Published: 31 December, 2019
Конкурс на замещение вакантных должностей ППС и сотрудников Университета иностранных языков и деловой карьеры
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