Students actively participate in the Republican sports competitions, being treated as winners of national and international competitions for the sport. Over the past two years, 2nd and 3rd year students majoring in "Marketing", "Economy", "Accounting and Auditing," "Management" Bagbanov Orhan, Nametov Ildan, Beysengbay Aibek, Okasha Alisher, Alisher Abdrakov, Ilya Agafonov and others took prizes at the international, national sports competitions and were awarded by medals.
On November 24, 2013 the Championship on sport climbing on artificial relief was held among students majoring in "Tourism" in higher educational institutions of Almaty. The purpose of the Championship - popularization of sport climbing.
The championship was held in the climbing gym of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.On behalf of the students of the university participated students from the department of "Tourism and Communications": Arapova Victoria, Imran Hasanov, Khalil Carsley, Izoev Ozal.
As a result, 2nd year student majoring in "Tourism", Arapova Victoria, took second place and was awarded a diploma and a medal. As a result of the competition the youth team of Kazakhstan, whose member was Kadzhygaliev Erturan, took second place.Note that Erturan is a candidate master of sports and the champion of Kazakhstan in shotgun.