Office receptionist at the University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career monitors the quality of the educational process in accordance with the credit technology of training of students in higher education.
The main activities of office receptionist:
- organization of educational process;
- monitoring the implementation of the academic calendar;
- registration of student tickets;
- organization and execution of all forms of controlling students’ knowledge (current, midterm, final);
- scheduling of midterm and final examinations, and controlling of their implementation;
- introduction of students' rating assessments in the learning process;
- preparation of orders to conduct examinations;
- designing students’ individual educational program;
- analysis of students’ academic progress;
- registration of transcripts;
- preparation of orders for transfer to the following course of study;
- preparation of orders for admission or extension of final examinations;
- organization of summer semester;
- control of payment for educational services and additional training;
- preparation of information about students' progress;
- designing and diploma awarding to students who graduated.
Office receptionist is established and eliminated by decision of the Academic Council on the basis of University rector’s order.
Aim of office receptionist - the creation of a database of students, organization and management of the educational process, control of quality of students' knowledge.
Office receptionist is responsible for registering the entire history of students’ educational achievements, provides the organization of all forms of knowledge control and monitors the academic rating according to the credit system of education.
Office receptionist carries out his work in accordance with the Law "On Education", Science and Education Ministry regulations and guidance documents, University rector’s orders and commands.
The main office receptionist
Kazybek Bi Street, 168, 2ndfloor, cabinet №34.
379-78-94 (inside 132)
5В011100 «Computer Science»
5В011700 «Kazakh language and literature»
5В020200 «International relationships»
5В020600 «Religious»
Responsible: SeidahmetovaMeiramgulSeidahmetovna
Registrar's Office staff:
5В011900 «Foreign language: two foreign languages»
5В020700 «Translation study»
Skakova Raigul Keneshbaevna
2ndfloor, cabinet №34
379-78-94 (inside 132)
5В050400 «Journalism»
5В050600 «Economics»
5В050700 «Management»
5В050800 «Accounting and Auditing»
5В051100 «Marketing»
5В090200 «Tourism»
Ualhanova Raihan Erikovna
2ndfloor, cabinet №33
379-78-94 (inside 134)
Distance education for all specialties
2ndfloor, cabinet №33
379-78-94 (inside 134)
Address: Almaty, Kazybek bi Street, 168
- Seidahmetova Meiramgul Seidahmetovna
The main office receptionist
Cabinet№34, tel.: 8(727) 279-78-94 (132)
- Skakova Raigul Keneshbaevna
Office receptionist
Cabinet№34, tel.: 8(727) 279-78-94 (132)
- Ualhanova Raihan Erikovna
Office receptionist
Cabinet№33, tel.: 8(727) 279-78-94 (134)
- PahirdinovaZulfiraZaindinovna
Office receptionist
Cabinet№33, tel.: 8(727) 279-78-94 (134)