Department of pedagogical sciences was founded in 2015 by suggestion of UFL&BC rector, academician, doctor, professor Sabri Khizmetli and decision  of the university`s Scientific Council.

Dean of the Department-  Doctor of Philosophy Tukibayeva Makhabbat Akhmetovna.

     Tukibayeva Makhabbat Akhmetkyzy was born on the 17th June 1976 in Baltakul village of South Kazakhstan region.

In 1993 she entered Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University and in 1997 graduated by specialty “Physics” (qualification: Physicist. Teacher of Physics).From 1997 till 1999 studied at Al-Farabi KSNU`s MA course and after graduation received academic degree “Master of Physics”.

     She started her labor activity in 1999 as Physics and Informatics teacher at regional boarding school for gifted children. Since September 2000 she was invited to position of teacher-probationer of “General Physics” sub -department of Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. In 2002 was transferred to position of the lecturer, and from 2005 till 2011 by decision of competitive commission to position of senior lecturer of the sub-department “ General and theoretical physics” of above mentioned university.

     In 2011 she entered Ph Doctorate on specialty 6D072300- “Technical physics”. In December 2014 at dissertation council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was protected thesis under supervising of  Doctor of Technical Sciences Omarov S.S. on the theme “Dissipation of sound energy in materials and constructions”, in April 2015 by decision of Ministry of Education and science of RK(order # 460 of 09.04.2015) a Doctorate degree was conferred on her.

     From 2014 till 2016 worked as a senior lecturer of the sub-department “General and theoretical physics” of  Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.

     Since September 5, 2016 have been working as the Dean of the Pedagogical Sciences Department at the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career.

Scientific-pedagogical experience is 17 years

List of scientific works and inventions

1.    Omarov  S., Begimov T., Tukibayeva M.,MaylinaKh., Bedelbaeva G. Phonon Interaction of  Ultrasound Waves in Condensed Media //Advanced Materials Research. – Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 2014. - Vol. 983. – P. 328-337.

2.   Omarov S.,Tukibayeva M., Touzelbayev M.N., Nyssanbayeva S.K., Auelbekova F. Modelling of phonons  transfer in thin layers of condensed environments/ / / Herald of Satpayev  KNTU.-2015.-#3 (101).-P.97-100, ISSN 1680-9211

3.   Omarov S., Beysen S.K.,Nyssanbayeva S.K., Tukibayeva M.A.,Tourlybekova G.K. Ultrasonic absorption in thin-film nanocomposit materials СохNi1- хFe204,  SiO2NiFe (d) Тa,  SiO2NiFe (d) Ru. News of National Academy of Sciences of RK, series of Physics and Maths, - 2016., #3 ISSN 2224-5227

4.   Omarov S., Nyssanbayeva S.K., Tukibayeva M.A. Multilayer tuned sound-absorbing construction / / First All-Russian scientific conference of young scientists with international participation “ Perspective materials in technology and construction”. – Tomsk, (Russia), 21-25 October 2013. – P. 427-429.

1 innovation patent

5. A.c. 83299 Machinery for suspended ceiling fastening / / Tukibayeva M.A.,Omarov S.,Nurumov R.B., Nyssanbayeva S.K.; published on 16.06.2014, Bulletin #6.-p.3

6. Omarov S.,Begimova T.B.,Tukibayeva M.A., Nyssanbayeva S.K. Influence of nuclear reactions on formation of defects and physical characteristics of materials / / XXIII International conference  “Radiation physics of solid body”.- Sevastopol ( Ukraine), 8 July – 13 July 2013. – P.527-531.

Basic task of pedagogical sciences department is training of modern qualified teachers corresponding to market needs and translators and journalists in social and humanist service sphere.

Department of pedagogical sciences includes 2 sub-departments. They are sub-departments of “Foreign languages” and “Journalism and Kazakh language and literature”. Department of pedagogical sciences educates personnel by the following specialties:

Undergraduate school:

  1. 5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”
  2. 5B020700- “Translation activity”
  3. 5B010300- “ Pedagogy and psychology”
  4.  5B050400- “Journalism”
  5.  5B011100 – “Informatics”
  6. 6. 5B011700- “Kazakh language and literature”


MA course:

  1. 6M011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages”
  2. 6M020700- “Translation activity”

     Multimedia, at the sub-department, laboratories and language laboratory are all equipped by modern equipment and computer technics. There is also a special workshop “Tele-radio UFL&BC” at the university.

     Personnel of the department: filled in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Regulations on competitive substitution of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions. 56 lecturers work at the department, among them 5- Doctors of Sciences, 18- Candidates of Sciences, 26- senior lecturers. All trainers are accepted for employment on the basis of competitive selection. In 2015-2016 academic year associate professor of “Foreign languages” department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Dabyltayeva Raikhan Yesbergenovna received the title “Best lecturer” and state grant.

     In 2016-2017 academic year documents of the foreign languages department`s professors: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences D.B.Shayakhmetova and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences O.A.Kuratova by decision of the university`s Scientific Council were recommended to Ministry of Education and Science for getting titles of associate professors, and also, senior lecturer of sub-department A.S.Tazhenova was awarded status of university`s associate professor.751 students of undergraduate school, 69 students of MA course get education at the department. For MA course students and students of higher professional education were developed standards by which educational process is conducted. Developed and printed also new standard educational programs in Russian and Kazakh languages. Specialties 5B011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages” and 5B050400- “Journalism” obtained  international reaccreditation.

     History of Foreign languages sub-department`s development closely connected with history of the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career`s foundation. Sub-department “Foreign languages” was founded in November 2004 at the “Foreign languages” department of UFL&BC.

     At day-time, evening, by correspondence subdivisions and distantly sub-department educates specialists by 3 specialties:

Undergraduate school:

5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”;

5B020700- “Translation activity”;

5B010300- “Pedagogy and Psychology”.

MA course:

6M011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages”;

6M020700- “Translation activity”.

     Sub-department educates specialists having mastered foreign languages, so implements fundamental scientific – practical, scientific-pedagogical, scientific-methodological research, presents informational and consulting service to educational institutions, develops and introduces innovational technologies in educational process. Through mastering of foreign languages is carried out training of highly qualified, competitive, competent personnel in educational sphere, having theoretical and practical experience abroad. 

Sub-department “Journalism and Kazakh language and literature” was separated from former sub-department “Tourism and Journalism” in 2014.

     At day-time, by correspondence and distantly sub-department educates specialists by 3 specialties:

5B011700- “Kazakh language and literature”


5B011100- “Informatics”

     For the purpose of improving quality of professional skills of specialty 5B050400 students was founded “Tele –and Radio workshop UFL&BC”.

     Training quality management system at the sub-departments is based on normative regulations confirmed by Educational Methodological Council of the university.  

     Lecturers of the department take active part at linguistic seminars which is confirmed by international certificates. 

     Associate professor of the sub-department  ”Journalism, Kazakh language and literature” c.p.s. Gulnaz Turlybayevna Beysenbekovafrom 23 October till 07 November by program Mevlana was at Biledjik Sheikh Edebali university by experience exchange.

Aim: In the frames of Mevlana program discussion and analysis of urgent problems in the sphere of Turkic  languages study, strengthening of international cooperation of Turkic world, development of cultural and spiritual values of fraternal countries and so on.

Practical activities were carried out at the department of Natural science and literature. Head of sub-department of Turkish language and literature associate professor, doctor Oktai Selim Karacha prepared timetable of activities on disciplines ”Study of Turkic Languages”, “Dialectology”. During experience exchange students of the university were given full information about educational-methodological, educative and international work implemented in the UFL&BC, slides were shown.


There was a meeting with Biledjik Sheikh Edebali  university`s rector,  doctor, professor Ibrahim Tash.G.T.Beysenbekova expressed great gratitude to rector of UFL&BC, academician, doctor, professor  Sabri Khizmetli and pro-rector for international relations ,doctor, professor Khuriye Yekhleff.

Aim of being implemented educative work: creation of conditions for competitive specialist training, students` creative activity raising, independence skills development in emerging difficult situations. University`s educative work consists of two closely interconnected categories: upbringing in the process of training and extracurricular educative work.

Educative work at the department is inseparable part of educational process. Advisers of the department traditionally carry out calendar- thematic classes. Lecturers and students of the department take active part in all university`s and city actions.


       Department`s staff annually carries out traditional subject Olympiad among pupils.

 In 2016-2017 academic year at the department were taught 752 students.Including:

     Undergraduate school: by specialty 5B011900- “Foreign language-two foreign languages” 497 students, by specialty 5B020700- “Translation activity” 49 students, by specialty 5B050400 – “Journalism” 120 students, by specialty 5B011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” 50 students, by specialty 5B011100- “Informatics” 36 students.

     MA course: by specialty 6M011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages” 60 undergraduates, by specialty 6M020700 – “Translation activity” 9 undergraduates.  

 In 2016-2017 academic year at the department were graduated.

     Undergraduate school: by specialty 5B011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages” 129 students, by specialty 5B020700 –“Translation activity” 9 students, by specialty 5B050400- “Journalism” 16 students, by specialty 5B011700 –“Kazakh language and literature” 7 students, by specialty5B011100- “Informatics” 12 students got diplomas of Higher basic education (undergraduate school). Among them 8 students got Honors diplomas of Higher basic education (undergraduate school) .  

     MA course: by specialty 6M011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages”25 undergraduates, by specialty 6M020700- “Translation activity” -4 undergraduates got diplomas and academic degrees of Master. 90% of our graduates become employed.






The Faculty of History and Religious Studies was organized in 2005.The faculty trains specialists in the areas 5B011400 - "History", 5В020200 - "International Relations", "5В020600 –«Religious Studies». 

Abdykalykov Ulan Kadyrbekovich - Dean of the Faculty of History and Religious Studies, candidate of historical sciences, professor, academician of the International Academy of Informatization.

The faculty includes the department «History and Religious Studies».


Graduates who mastered the specialty 5B011400 - "History" can work in scientific archaeological studies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in museums of ethnology, as a qualified specialist in the structures of the protection of historical monuments:

- as a teacher in secondary and specialized schools, lyceums and colleges for the disciplines "History of Kazakhstan" and "World History".

Graduates who mastered the specialty 5В020200 - "International Relations" can workin:

- consulates, embassies,

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

-city administration;

- Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

- different state structures

-transnational corporations: with the functions of a referent, an expert, an analyst and a consultant.

Graduates who mastered the specialty 5B020600 - "Religious Studies" can work in:

-researcher-religious scholar, teacher,

- different state structures, city administration;

-Office of Religious Affairs, Religious Affairs Agency;

- specialist in religious studies at the National Security Bureau, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Justice and other structures

- Independent expert in state, religious and public organizations.


The main goal is to develop students' moral education, legal literacy, citizenship and patriotism.

Conducting and control of supervisory hours and various public and educational events, implementing state youth policy, monitoring the preparation of annual and semi-annual reports on the educational work of the faculty and the department, monitoring the educational work of university students is one of the main tasks.

On the specialty "History" lectures and classes are conducted by such experienced teachers and scientists as Z.S. Atamberdieva, Moldabaeva, AS, Abdykalykov U.K., Shormanova AK. and etc.

Theoretical and practical history of international relations, geopolitics, the modern system of international relations, diplomatic relations and on other aspects of the specialty "International Relations" lectures and classes are conducted by doctor of political science, professor J.K. Simtikov, candidate of historical science, associate professor M.K. Sembinov, PhD., associate professor G.A. Davletova, senior lecturer A. Karimsakov. 

On the specialty "Religious Studies" lectures are given by the world-famous scientist, Professor Sabri Hizmetli, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor G.K. Bilyalova, Ph.D., Associate Professor G.Zh. Isataeva.

          Scientific work of the faculty:

Teaching staff of the faculty regularly publishes its educational and methodical manuals.

  1. 1. Doctor, Professor Sabri Hizmetli "Medieval History and Civilization" training manual, Almaty 2015
  2. Doctor, Professor Sabri Hizmetli, “Islam moszapteri tarihy” training manual, Almaty 2010
  3. Doctor, Professor Sabri Hizmetli, "The History of Islam" training manual, Almaty 2014
  4. Candidate of historical sciences, professor Abdykalykov U.K., «Іскерлік мәдениеті Бизнес культура» training manual, Almaty 2010
  5.          Candidate of historical sciences, professor Abdykalykov U.K., doctor of Political Sciences, Simtikov Zh.K., candidate of historical science, associate professor M.K. Sembinov– textbook on "History of Kazakhstan" (Scheduled).
  6. Candidate of historical sciences, professor Abdykalykov U.K., candidate of historical sciences, senior teacher Zhumatai G. - «History of Contemporary International Relations».
  7. Candidate of historical sciences, professor Abdykalykov U.K., - «Basics of diplomatic relations», Almaty, 2016
  8. Doctor of Political Sciences, Simtikov Zh.K.,  -Reliable support of the state (Inter-ethnic harmony in Kazakhstan through the prism of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan) Monograph. Almaty:  Publishing house «Ulagat» Abay KazNPU, 2015, 10 п.л.
  9. Candidate of historical sciences, professor Abdykalykov U.K., doctor of Political Sciences, Simtikov Zh.K., candidate of historical science, associate professor M.K. Sembinov,«The Eurasian idea in the context of the “Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy», themonograph is planned.

At the faculty, teachers are working on scientific projects.  In 2016-2017 academic year on the specialty "History" "Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" "National and spiritual development of science modernization for the strengthening of cultural heritage" Abdykalykov, Zh.K. Simitikov, M.K. Sembinov.

On the specialty "Religious Studies" Teachers (G.Z. Isataeva, G.K. Bilyalova) work with the topic of the Specifics of the formation of philosophy and ideology in religious sects, the Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of research on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.


1. Organizational work

2. Civil-patriotic and legal education

3. Spiritual and moral education

4. Vocational training

5. The formation of religious tolerance

6. The formation of a healthy lifestyle

7. Ecological education

8. Development of intellectual and communicative culture

9. Cultural-aesthetic and multicultural education


The main strategic direction of the Faculty of History and Religious Studies is the wide use of innovative technologies in the preparation of competent and competitive specialists in the market, as well as the provision of educational services using modern lines of development of scientific research and culture.

The planning of the educational process, the organization of educational services, the management of the organization, the education of students, counseling, methodological and educational work, innovations in the educational environment are the professional competencies of graduates of specialties "5B011400 - History", "5В020200 - International Relations", "5В020600 - Religious Studies".

 Professional competence in the specialties 5B011400 - "History", 5В020200 - "International Relations", 5В020600 - "Religious Studies" is the teaching of scientific and practical, organizational and managerial, social and pedagogical, educational and training activities. 


According to the order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on allocation of scholarships to higher educational institutions for 2016 for the number 268 of April 13, 2016, the university allocated two
seats.One of the candidates was an excellent student, active participant in public life, a student of the 4th year of specialty "5В020200 - International Relations" Kuraev Islam Baktiyar-ogly. He is a member of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan and head of the department for youth affairs.

In March and April 2017 al-Farabi KazNU organized the VІІІ Republican intellectual Olympiad "The Best Linguist-2017". According to the results of the Olympiad 1st year student of the specialty "International Relations" Bektibaeva Talshyn demonstrating in-depth knowledge and intellectual abilities took the 3rd place.



       Toilybek Turekuliyev, a 4th year student of the specialty "Religious Studies", participated in the selection rounds of Almaty city of the XIV transitional cup of the Nur Otan party, where he won a 1-prize place and was honored to represent Almaty at the Republican tournament of the XIV transitional cup of the Nur Otan party in the city Astana. November 11-12, 2016 our student was awarded a prize.

     Participated in qualifying rounds Cross Debate, where he was awarded a 1-place, Toylybek represents the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Dushanbe at the Central Asian tournament and won 1st place. T. Turekuliev fluent in Kazakh, Russian, Turkish, English and Arabic languages is the "Best Speaker" of the Russian league.