The information of the library
Library Directors:
Nurgalieva Dametkul' Tushmalievna
phone: +7 (727) 379-80-88
The information of the library
The library of university was founded along with higher education institution and is on the first floor of the first case and on the second floor of the second educational case.
Today in library rich book fund where except the fixed educational assets literature on electronic media is also presented: electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, manuals, multimedia albums on the CD-R, DVD, audiovisual materials.
Service of readers is carried out: bysubscriptions, reading rooms.
All literature coming to funds is distributed according to demands of faculties and requirements of educational process. Demands for necessary literature are carried out by form and is given to the director of library.
The assistance in compiling the literature is given by such sponsors as Embassy of Turkey in Kazakhstan, "Fund of Culture of Central Asia", the firm "TURKUAZ", "TIKA", "KZI BANK", the Ministry of Education of Turkey.
Since 2008 the library works in the automated library-information system (KABIS) which provides complex automation of all main library processes. KABIS (The Kazakh Automated Library and Information System), developed by the Kazakh Soft company "Kazakh Soft). The main distinctive characteristics of system: possibility of fast development, convenience of the interface, support of the Kazakh language, existence of the program interface (API), reliability of a code, simplicity of control and administration. The system is intended for complex automation of library processes and creation of electronic catalogs, and also full text databases. KABIS is realized by observance of all existing RK standards on a library service.
Today electronic documents became an integral part of information resources. The electroic reading room opened in the library, now it is the center of collecting, storage and access for readers for information on electronic media carriers. The electronic reading room is equipped with the modern computers uniting in a local network with Internet connection.
The library workers annually participate on foreign events of librarian colleagues for exchange of experience of their own activity and to adopt the experience of other countries.
Since 2012 the library became the member of "the Aassociation of the Euroasian libraries" in Turkey.
Thus, the library makes a powerful contribution of the preparation of highly qualified personnel of the university.
The instructions for use
- The library organizes the delivery to readers for temporary use of books, newspapers, magazines and other documents on subscriptions and in reading rooms.
- Records of readers is made by the order of entering to the university or by the presentation of the document certifying the reader's belonging to educational institution, and taken two photos in size of 3х4 sm.
- The reader fills the reader's form and he is given the monthly library card which is the single document that it makes the right to use the library services.
- The reader has to study the instructions to use of the library, undersign the library card and the form, thereby, confirming his obligation to carry out these rules to use the library.
- The period of acting of the library card – academic year. Annually, after summer session, the library carries out a re-registration of readers and prolongs their library cards. Thus readers have to hand over literatures they were taken on subscriptions of the library. The readers who didn't pass re-registration will be not be served next academic year.
- Readers have to see carefully editions they take in case of any kind of defects and report to the librarian, otherwise they have responsibility for damage of editions that they use it as last.
- The readers violating the instructions to use or cause the damage to the library have to bear the administrative, civil-legal (material) responsibility in the forms provided by the current legislation and Instructions to use library.
- Readers responsible for loss or unintentional damage of the edition have to replace them with the same editions or editions equivalent in a size the book for the book which is recognized by library.
Instructions to use library subscription
- Literatures are given to the house on the subscription
- At the order of literature, readers present the library card, fill the requirement to the literature and undersign it or on the book form.
- The term to use the literature to home is limited:
- educational literature is given for a semester or academic year in the quantity defined according to curricula and programs;
- scientific literature is given for a period up to 2 weeks and no more than 3 editions at time;
- fiction literature is given no more than 2 copies for a period up to 15 days.
- At the end of the academic year readers have to hand over all literature untill June 30.
- Readers can prolong the term using editions taken to home if there is no demand from other readers.
- Encyclopedias, reference books, theses, rare and valuable books are issued only in reading rooms. Also the last and single copies of editions which are stored in fund aren't the subject to delivery to home.
- The reader takes back his demand on delivery of books or on the form of the book his number of library card and surname is repaid.
The instructions to use reading room
- Delivery of books in reading room is issued by the library card.
- The number of the books, other works of periodicals and other materials which are delivering in reading room isnot limited. But in case of increased demand to single editions it can be limited.
- It is forbidden to take out literature from reading room.
It isnot allowed to readers:
- to break silence and order in library;
- to give it’s own the library card to other persons or to use someone else's document to take literature;
- to take out literature from library, without having undersigned for it.
- to spoil library editions (to do marks, to underline, pull out sheets, to bend backs).
- to make x-copy of books with low-quality cover.
- to enter without permission into service premises, into subsidiary funds of reading rooms and a book-depository.
- to come without the permission into library rooms, into subsidiary funds of reading rooms and book depository.
Materials about gross violations by readers the Instructions to use by library are given for consideration to dean's offices or administration of the university.
1.1. The night subscription are carried out for:
- the fullest satisfaction of demand of readers for information and bibliographic editions;
- increase of convenience of library service.
1.2. Readers can use the night subscription on the library card.
1.3. The service of readers on the night subscription is free.
1. 4. No more than three editions at the same time can be delivered on the night subscription.
1.5. Editions are delivered on the night subscription from 16 o'clock and have to be returned no later than 13.00 hours of the next day.
1.6. Editions are taken to home, and also excess of terms of use, is regarded as causing damage not only library, but also all her users. Untimely return of the
1.7. The reader needs to make sure of safety editions when taking on the night subscription. In case of detection of defects it is necessary to report about it to the librarian on duty on chair of delivery, otherwise the reader is responsible for all defects found on returning.
2. Are not given to the night subscription:
1. Editions in the single copy.
1. The old editions.
1.6. Untimely return of the edition taken on the house, and also excess of terms of use, is regarded as causing damage not only library, but also all her users.
1.6. When obtaining editions on the night subscription the reader needs to make sure of their safety. In case of detection of defects it is necessary to report about it to the person on duty on chair of delivery, otherwise the reader bears responsibility for all defects found at delivery.
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Scientific Committee |
Association of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Administration Almaty |
General Turkish Embassy in Almaty |
Center «TOMER» |
Culture Fund of Central Azia |
«ТIКА» |
Hizmetli S. |
Ekhlef H. |
Aktamberdieva Z. S |
Tairbekova L. N |
Dabyltaeva R. |
Nogaeva Z. |
Mamoev B. |
Moldabaeva M. |
Dulaeva F. |
Dulaeva E. |
Isataeva G. |
Konar S. |
1 |
Ақиқат |
2 |
Алматы ақшамы |
3 |
Ана тілі |
4 |
Английский язык в школе |
5 |
Английский язык:методика преподавания в школе, колледже и вузе |
6 |
Атамекенай |
7 |
Әдіскер методист |
8 |
Әлем әдебиеті |
9 |
Бағдарлы мектеп және кәсіптік білім |
10 |
Бухгалтер плюс компьютер |
11 |
Бухгалтерский учет и налогообложение |
12 |
Білім әлемінде |
13 |
Бюллетень бухгалтера |
14 |
В мире образования |
15 |
Вечерняя Алматы |
16 |
Вопросы экономики |
17 |
География в школах и вузах Казахстана |
18 |
География және табиғат |
19 |
Егемен Қазақстан |
20 |
Жас Алаш |
21 |
Защита информации |
22 |
Информатика негіздері |
23 |
Ислам және өркениет |
24 |
Казахстанская правда |
25 |
Кәсіптік қазақ тілі |
26 |
Комсомольская правда |
27 |
Қазақ әдебиеті |
28 |
Қазақ әдебитеі және мемлекеттік тіл |
29 |
Қазақ тілі әдістеме |
30 |
Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті |
31 |
Қазақстан Zaman |
32 |
Қазақстан мұғалімі |
33 |
Маркетинг товаров и услуг. Казахстан |
34 |
Маслихат и акимат |
35 |
Менеджмент в образовании |
36 |
Мир путешествий |
37 |
Мысль |
38 |
Наука и образование Казахстана |
39 |
Нормативные акты по финансам, налогам, бухг, учету и страхованию |
40 |
Оқытуда мультимедияны пайдалану |
41 |
Отан тарихы |
42 |
Отан тарихы(қаз,орыс,түрік,ағылшын тілдерінде) |
43 |
Охрана труда в Казахстане |
44 |
Парасат |
45 |
Президент және халық |
46 |
Саясат |
47 |
Соқпақ-тропинка |
48 |
Техникалық және кәсіптік білім |
49 |
Турист |
50 |
Финансы и банки |
51 |
Экологическое образование в Казахстане |
52 |
Экономика: стратегия и практика. Казахстан |